Converting your lawn area into desert landscaping.
If you are considering turning your lawn into desert landscape, it is in the next couple of months that you will need to start the first of three applications of turf spray. The following is a time frame that you should follow if you do not want your new rock landscape turning into a nice Bermuda rock landscape.
Day 1–When the nighttime air temps start to get above 77 degrees and you start to see the Bermuda grass coming out of its dormancy, you will want to apply the first of three applications.
Days 14-17–Water the grass to entice the Bermuda to grow.
Day 21–Administer the second application.
Days 35-37–Water the grass once again.
Day 42–Evaluate whether a third application is required or not. In this evaluation you should not see any green grass, if so you will need to repeat one more time.
Once this process has been completed to satisfaction then you are ready to dig up the dead grass. Dig six to eight inches down and remove all the grass and soil.
Bring in all new clean soil to bring the grade back to level.
Then you can spread new gravel and plant your bushes and shrubs. After all is done then treat with preemergence and do this every six months to prevent any growth in your new desert landscape.
This process usually takes all summer and sometimes you will still get some Bermuda popping through the new landscape but this will give you a fighting chance to keep your new landscape free of Bermuda and other unwanted weeds.
Any questions regarding this process or any other weed and grass concerns can easily be addressed by calling Steve Coughlin at C4 Weed Control, 480-773-9726.
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